Your High Performance Calgary Insulation Company

At High Performance Spray Systems, we stand out from other Calgary insulation companies due to our quality, value and customer service. We are a family owned and family run business. Our insulation contractors in Calgary have over 15 years of experience in the spray foam industry. When it comes to spray applied products, we are experts in our trade. We have built our reputation upon safety, delivering value to the customer, respect for the customer’s budget and completing our projects on time every time.

About Our Insulation & Concrete Lifting

Why do we stand out from other insulation companies in Calgary? Because we love what we do. Our team actually looks forward to coming to work. We take pride in delivering our best work to our customers every time because our customers matter to us. We constantly challenge each other to be better. We set team goals and personal goals together to help each other be their best. When we fall short, we help each other. We all play a role in keeping the team accountable to always deliver our best to the customer.

Rising heating bills, fluctuating temperatures, chilly drafts and water leaks are some of the signs that you need proper, professional insulation in Calgary. By ignoring these signs, it results in ice dams forming on the roof, frozen pipes and a growth in rodents and insects. Most significantly, it negatively impacts the value and cost of a property. By undertaking proactive measures with High Performance Spray Systems, we can ensure that your property remains insulated and maintains its comfort, while enhancing its curb appeal and value. We’re ready to help you with all your insulation needs today.

There are many advantages that come with concrete lifting for both residential and commercial properties. Significantly, it is a money-saver in terms of installation, property value and long-term maintenance. Most of our property owners recuperate a good deal of the money they invest into foam injection through the restored property value and the minimal maintenance cost. As for the installation, using our specialized geotechnical foam is far more affordable and cost-effective than replacing the entire concrete slab; its adaptability resulting in more uses and better results. Investing in concrete slab lifting in Calgary is the better, smarter choice for your property.

Why Choose Us As Your Calgary Insulation Company?


At High Performance Spray, we stand committed to providing exceptional customer service. To do so, we offer a vast array of services that can meet your personal and building requirement needs. From spray foam insulation for residential, commercial and industrial properties, to concrete lifting, we’re ready to help you transform your property to be better, safer and more valuable. We continuously push ourselves to do better, and it’s why our service, products, and equipment are the best in the industry. We are innovative, responsive and active leaders in the continual improvement of our business and the industry we serve.


Each member of our team has over a decade of experience in our trade as well as business and project management. We believe that education and constantly learning and updating our skills is what separates us from everyone else.
We’re always looking to improve and be better. That’s why our experience guarantees a job done right.



We know from experience that if we focus on delivering value to the customer instead of selling to the customer, they will trust us with their next project and recommend us to their friends. Value for us is about keeping up our end of the bargain, ensuring that our clients get the high-quality results they expect. It feels great when everyone wins.




We follow all Government CAN/ULC standards for the installation of spray applied products. We make a daily record of workmanship, environmental and site conditions. Our warranty is backed by a third-party organization that requires proof that we have followed the highest standards of workmanship on EVERY single project we complete.



Our Services

Spray Foam

Attic Insulation

Concrete Lifting

Secondary Containment

Garage Insulation

Commercial Insulation


⇒ Best talent in the industry.
⇒ One of the most experienced companies
⇒ Industry and government certified
⇒ Dedicated to our customers